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EXTRACTION SOLUTIONS © TRANSLAS NORTH AMERICA I 2023 I V 10 TRANSLAS DUTCH WELDING TECHNOLOGY WELDING FUME NORTH AMERICAABOUT TRANSLAS Translas is a Dutch manufacturer of welding guns since 1960. A company founded by welders, for welders with a passion for innovation and new technologies. Translas continually strives to engineer innovative products that boast a distinctive design, quality, and functionality. Welder’s safety is of paramount importance to Translas. The company’s goal is to globally reduce welders’ exposure to hazardous fumes and provide a healthier and safer work environment. Some of the pioneering products include extractor guns with a built-in module to safely extract welding fumes at the source and portable extraction units for high-performance extraction. www.translas.comWHY WE EXIST ! Translas is the industry leader in source capture weld fume extraction solutions. Our Mission is to retain the welders we have and minimize welder shortage in North America and our Vision is to globally reduce workers’ exposure to hazardous fumes and to provide ahealthier and safer work environment whilst remaining sustainable. TRANSLAS DUTCH WELDING TECHNOLOGY B Y W E L D E R S . F O R W E L D E R S WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? As a company, Translas is focused only on fume extraction solutions at the source making us subject matter experts with lots of experience. Translas manufactures both the extraction guns and vacuum units and understands the philosophy and science connected to the success of this. Translas has been certified by a third party organization in Europe confirming that we have a fume capture rate of up to 95% for TIG extraction and 98% for MIG extraction. Translas has developed a set of parameters including air flow, gas flow and weld positioning and a set of tools for this to ensure a successful outcome at all times. Due to the design and advancement of our technology, all our extraction guns are 100% Duty Cycle. The Translas Extraction guns are now the same weight or less than a regular gun. Translas has some specific advantages regarding ergonomics of the extraction guns, including handle design and the 360 degree swivel necks. The ClearO2 Vacuum units have Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Motors, built in PLC Controls and Self-Cleaning technology. This results in a consistency of airflow over time and that the HEPA Filters in the units will keep clean for a long duration of time with very little maintenance required. 6 7 30 44 64 70 ABOUT WELDING FUMES 8XE MIG EXTRACTOR 8TE TIG EXTRACTOR 8XC COBOT MIG EXTRACTOR 10XR ROBOTIC EXTRACTOR CLEARO2 SAFE & EFFECTIVE EXTRACTION OF WELDING FUMES AT THE SOURCE TABLE OF CONTENTS Scan the QR code with your smart phone Extraction CatalogueAbout Welding Fumes: Welding fumes contain vapours, a mixture of airborne gas by-products and fine particles. The composition of the mixture depends on the welding method and the products that are welded. The vapours and gases released during welding can lead to serious health problems. Short-term exposure can result in nausea, dizziness, or eye, nose, and throat irritation. Prolonged exposure is like inhaling ultra-fine metal dust which can lead to cancer of the lung, damage to the brain, and kidney damage. Certain gases, such as helium, carbon dioxide, and argon, displace oxygen and argon specifically posing suffocation risks in enclosed work areas.For this reason, Translas developed the fume extraction welding gun range, including the 8XE MIG, 8XC Cobot, 8TE TIG Extractor and 10XR Robotic extractors that extract the welding fumes directly at the source. CLEAN AIR SOURCE EXTRACTION & FILTRATION ENGINEERED FOR THE WELDING PROCESS COMPLETE RANGE FOR YOUR PLANT/SHOP HIGH QUALITY, TESTED EQUIPMENT USER-FRIENDLY UNITS, READY TO USEEXTRACTION NO FUMES, ONLY CLEAN AIR 8XE MIG EXTRACTOR TRANSLAS DUTCH WELDING TECHNOLOGY8EXTRACTION SOURCE EXTRACTION 8XE MIG EXTRACTOR 8XE MIG EXTRACTOR SAFE & EFFECTIVE EXTRACTION OF WELDING FUMES DIRECTLY AT THE SOURCE. CLEAN AIR The 8XE MIG Extractor integrates the most efficient fume extraction structure in the welding industry. The gun comes with two different angles 45°and straight. The 8XE MIG Extractor, combined with the ClearO2 W-series 100 and 200, captures up to 98% of welding fumes directly at the source. The 8XE MIG Extractor provides the safest and most effective solution for welders and workers to breathe CLEAN AIR and enjoy better work environments. MIGEXTRACTOR CLEAN AIR CLEAN AIR The nozzle design is unique to provide the best results. Openings, wall thickness and grip ribs are thoroughly developed for optimal operation and best performance. UNIQUE NOZZLE DESIGN FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY. The new nozzle holder provides a robust connection between Swanneck and Metal Neck. It is designed to take the biggest blows in any industrial environment. THE ROBUST CONNECTION BETWEEN SWANNECK & METAL NECK.9 EXTRACTION VARIOUS GAS NOZZLES FOR BEST PERFORMANCE ROBUST PATENTED LIGHT-WEIGHT DESIGNED FOR ENLARGED ANGULAR MOVEMENT THE SWAN NECK IS SECURED IN TWO PLACES MADE FROM VERY STRONG DSM PLASTIC RESULTS MEASURED BY DUTCH RESEARCH INSTITUTE (TNO) IN “WORST CASE SCENARIO” 8XE MIG EXTRACTOR PRODUCT FEATURES UNIQUE CONTACT TIP FOR MAXIMUM DURABILITY ERGONOMIC BALL SOCKET: 30° ANGLE AND 360° ROTATABLE 8XE ball joint has a 30° vertical angular movement combined with a 360° swivel and a full stop. Providing excellent maneuverability and leaving cables and hoses untwisted and thereby leakage and breakage free. This combination is new to the market. It offers excellent maneuverability, maximizing comfort and minimizing fatigue. Lowest Under-Pressure in the Market Reduces Welding Fumes up to 98% EXTRACTION MIGEXTRACTORNext >